All You Need to Know About the Pasta Attachment

Dried pasta is readily available at the grocery store, it’s inexpensive and easy to store. There are gourmet types that are really quite good, but really, is there anything better than homemade pasta?  I think not. It’s the ultimate in comfort food, and absolutely worth the time and effort involved in making it. 

Luckily the Bosch pasta set is here to do the work and make it fun. You won’t be able to keep the smile off of your face when those perfectly cut spaghetti noodles start pouring out of the pasta cutter.

What's included with the full Pasta Set

1.  The pasta roller is designed to flatten the dough, rolling strips thinner and thinner until the desired thickness is achieved.  

2. The 1.6 mm Angel Hair Cutter for your for thin pastas.


3. The 6.25 mm Fettuccini Cutter for wider pastas. 

Adaptor Leg

4. The adaptor leg stabilizes your mixer while it’s laying on it’s side and allows the pasta set to be locked onto the mixer. The adaptor leg is included with the pasta set, or is available separately. 

How to attach the pasta rollers to the Bosch Universal Plus mixers

  1. Place adaptor leg onto the Bosch Universal Plus mixer drive. 
  2. Turn counter-clockwise to seat in place.
  3. Stand mixer on backside.

4.  Attach the roller or cutter to the adaptor leg. Twist counter- clockwise to lock into place.

How to use the roller & cutters

To adjust the setting on the roller pull the know outwards and twist to the desired setting, and release back into place. Setting 1 is the thinnest and 7 is the thickest. 

 *Setting 8  is for cleaning only. 

Once you’ve made your pasta dough and let it rest it’s time to roll it out. Take a small piece of dough, flatten it out with your hands and then feed it through the pasta roller. 

Start with the pasta roller set on setting 7. (The larger the number the greater thickness). Feed the dough through at setting 7 a couple of times then adjust the roller to a thinner setting. Continue to feed the strips of dough through the roller until the desired thickness is achieved. You’ll be surprised at how long your strips will get with just a small ball of dough. 

Once you’ve got your pasta to the desired thickness you can use if for lasagna or ravioli, or you can cut it with the angel hair or fettuccine cutter. 

Remove the pasta roller by pressing on the red release button and twisting clockwise on the roller. The cutters attach to the mixer just like the roller does. 

A few recipes for the pasta rollers

Fettuccine Alfredo
       Pumpkin Pasta

Other things to do with the pasta roller set

Pasta isn’t the only thing you can do with the pasta rollers, we’ve used them to decorate pies, make tortillas, and crackers. You could also use it for rolling out fondant. 

Mini Fruit PIes                                       
Cheese Crackers

Whole wheat pasta recipe

Pasta Recipe

Note: Some of our recipes use the hand method for mixing the dough, others use the Bosch Mixer. It’s a matter of preference and trial and error. Do you prefer the hand method or do you let the mixer do the work?

The pasta set is easy to use, and amazingly versatile. Making pasta from scratch is really enjoyable, plus your family will thank you. You can also buy the rollers and cutter separately, but remember to get the adaptor foot if you choose to just get one roller. 

Note: The adaptor foot works with the pasta set and the meat grinder. 

Doesn’t this just get your creative juices flowing? Imagine pasta with fresh basil, homemade ravioli, or flavored pastas like our pumpkin pasta. What is the first thing you’d make with the pasta roller?

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