We want to know how you use your Bosch machine! So click at the bottom of the blog and let us know.
We have been using and selling the wonderful Bosch Kitchen Machines now for over 30 years (We are still young at heart, but slightly older in other places) and we still are in awe of the many tasks this marvelous kitchen machine can perform. We learn something new about what it can accomplish every month. We thought we would tell you some of the things we like to do with our machines and attachments and then we would like to hear from you. We know you have had some great accomplishments with the Bosch Universal Plus or even the older Bosch models that just keep going and going, and we would like to hear about these experiences. We hope this will give you some more ideas of what you can do with your Bosch.
Okay we will go first! With the Bosch Basic Mixer with the whips and dough hook.we have:
- Made every kind of bread and buns we can think of ( we were going to say "known to mankind" but we thought we would be a little more conservative)
- whipped a 1/4 cup of whipping cream
- made 6 cake mixes at one time
- mixed 3 batches of gingerbread for gingerbread houses at once
- whipped a gallon of royal icing for those gingerbread houses in a single go.
- mixed 4 batches of ground beef and pork meat at once to make, meatball, meatloaf, and burgers
- shredded cooked chicken for enchiladas or casseroles with the whips (has to be cooked and hot )
- shredded pulled pork with the whips
- mashed up to a 4 quarts of potatoes (only for 5 to 10 second or you'll get mushed potatoes)
- mixed granola and muesli
- mixed dog food with the dough hook
- made tons of fondant for home made hand dipped chocolates
With the Slicer/Shredder and its mini whip and small dough hook we have:
- shredded coleslaw for 400 people

- sliced tons of bread and butter pickles
- whipped the egg yolk mixture for a sponge cake with the mini-whip
- made a single loaf of sprouted grain bread with the dough hook
- mixed a nut loaf
- grated soap for homemade laundry detergent
- made salsa with the french fry blade
- slivered almonds
- made potato pancakes and dumplings ( with the potato grating disc)
- diced vegetables for soup, stews, and salads
- diced all the vegetables for a vegetarian pizza
With the Meat Grinder attachment and some of its accessories we have: 
- made humungous amounts of sausages with the Sausage stuffers
- we haven't done this but we have had customers who have put a whole moose through in a day
- canned 16 quarts of tomato sauce through the berry press (along with applesauce, and seed-free berry jams)
- made pates, cheese balls, and sugar plums

- made vegetable marrow jam
- ground homemade dog-food
- made whole wheat pasta with the pasta maker
- made nut butters like almond butter or peanut butter (using the #2 disc)
With the Blender attachment we have:
- made hot soups creamy
- whipped cream fast (don't leave the blender while doing it)

- made snow cones for the kids
- made milk shakes with no ice cream (we use ice dropped through the top while using high speed instead)
- made fruit and vegetable smoothies
- made almond and cashew milks
- made guacamole and hummus
- made peanut butter by drizzling a little oil through the funnel while blending peanuts
- made 100's of batches of Caesar dressing
- chopped nuts and bread crumbs
- pulverized parmesan cheese to a powder (we drop a chunk through the top while it is going full speed)
- broke down our compost so it will decompose faster on the compost pile
Add a comment below or email us at carol@healthykitchens.com |