Substituting Whole Grain Flour for All-Purpose White Flour.png)
The beginning of a new year always brings our attention to things we could change in our lifestyle. One of the small changes that could be made is eating a healthier more nutritious diet and one of the main things we could do in this regard is to replace the amount of white processed flour that we consume daily with a whole grain substitute. We have had customers tell us that they or some member of their family, will not eat any whole grain flour products at all or that they felt that whole grain baked goods were heavier and not a tasty or have a different texture from the baked goods made with the white processed flour. We maintain that these issues can be erased if using the right whole grain substitute in place of the refined, enriched white flour that has all the natural goodness and nutrients removed during it's processing and had artificial nutrients added to enrich it.
We have recently found a wonderful wheat-free substitute for all-purpose white flour that you can easily mill with your own Nutrimill grain mill or even purchase at the store (won't be as fresh but nevertheless will work), that can be used for pastry, cakes, cookies etc. And we also have a gluten free version that does the same. The best thing about this is you don't need to tell them that you are doing this. We just called it "HEALTHY" white flour because we don't think they will notice the difference other than the end baked good tastes delicious (maybe even better).
For years we have used and sold "Cooking With Chef Brad" cookbooks but have recently have acquired a video of Chef Brad showing how you substitute the Whole Grain flour for all purpose white flour using 1 part Spelt, 1 part Brown Rice, and 1 part Barley flour. Brown rice and pearl barley are readily available at most grocery stores but spelt grain may be a little harder to find, and we suggest checking out a local health food store for that grain. All these grains keep for years if kept cool and dry so storage is not a problem. These whole grains have very little gluten so they do give you a light, airy product whether you are making a pie dough or muffin or pancakes. He advocates mixing the grain mixture and keeping it in a canister all mixed up, and milling it through the Nutrimill Grain Mill on the finest setting, as you need it, to give your the total freshness and flavour that you want in your soft baked goods without giving you the branny taste you make dislike from using straight Soft Wheat. You can then sift the flour using the Bosch Sifter attachment, to get out any particles of bran in the flour making it even lighter and then use the flour for anything--gravies, waffles, sauces, pastry, cakes and cookies. We recommend if you are using it with a recipe that calls for white flour, just substitute about 3 1/2 cups of the whole grain flour mixture for 3 cups of the white flour called for in the recipe.
Click here for a video of Chef Brad explaining why this mixture works so well.
The Gluten-Free version is just as simple. It is 1 part Sorghum (something we haven't been able to get in quantity yet here in Canada) one part amaranth and 1 part brown rice, all mixed ahead and milled on the finest setting on the Nutrimill. We will do our next post about using the Gluten free flour for baked goods other than bread.
The most valuable thing about this flour to me is that it allows you to make the lighter baked goods (like those that I mentioned earlier) without having to use ANY white flour. You actually don't feel too bad offering your family desserts when they are made with a whole-grain flour. And the desserts don't taste heavy like many of those made with wheat. In fact, this whole grain flour mixture has such a delicious flavour that our family and friends who have tried it, prefer it to most baked goods made with white flour.
Click here to see Chef Brad make Whole Grain Pastry Dough with this flour mixture
After using this Whole Grain flour mixture, we highly recommend it for both its taste and performance. After you use it you may never use white flour again, unless you like making white bread. Just imagine; No more white flour, same great taste, and all the healthy additions you had hoped for when thinking of replacing your white flour with whole wheat flour. Try out some of the recipes below using this Whole Grain Flour mixture to replace the white flour in the recipes.
Amazing Whole Grain Toffee and Chocolate Chip Cookies, Whole Grain Pastry, Whole Grain Pumpkin Cornbread |