Baking Adventures!
We think it's time for some of our new customers to be a little braver and try some new bread baking recipes with your Bosch machines. Here is a great way to make Homemade Crescent Rolls that are light and yummy and will be a big family hit. You can make it with half whole wheat flour as well. Here is the recipe!
So for our next adventure into bread making, let's try a great crusty french bread that you can also make with half whole wheat. We call it French Bread made Easy. Here is the recipe!
Whole Wheat Pizzas are easy to make with the Bosch using the dough hook with the new Dough Hook Extender that picks up every bit of dough. Here is an easy Whole Wheat Pizza recipe to make.
Now let’s get real adventurous and make some Whole Wheat Pitas. These are easy to make and exciting to watch rise and bake in the oven for only 5 min. and they are great with any filling.
Finally to end off our Bread Baking 101, how about trying to make some bagels? Basically we boil the dough first and then bake them. They are really easy to make and fun to add different topping like poppy seeds or even cheese.