Citrus Optimization!
Chef’s Tip:
To optimize the juice you get from a lemon or lime, roll it hard under your palm for a minute before juicing. (Or- never say I told you this – microwave it for 10-15 seconds.) - Patricia Yeo
Any huge citrus fans out there?! Here are some tips on maximizing the volume of juice from fruit to cup.
1. Rolling
Our chef tip today talks about softening the fruit by rolling. The pressure works very well to loosen the rind, begin braking, or tenderizing those pockets of juice.
2. Microwaving
Warming the fruit will make the rind soft and easier to squeeze. Lemon and limes keep longer in the fridge wrapped in plastic, so when you are ready to use it the cold fruit will be so much easier to work with after a good 15-20 second warm up.
3. Poking
I grew up watching my mother stabbing her fruit with a fork. If you love a beautiful bowl or fruit sitting on the counter, the fruit will start to get hard and tough. Using all of our top 3 tips of rolling, microwaving, then poking it before squeezing or reaming will give you the best results.
Here is a list of our products that will get every last drop from your well chosen fruit.
Wooden Lemon Reamer
Classic tool! The easy to grasp handle to twist and force the drops of citrus heaven out.
Lemon Juice Squeezer
Squeeze as much lemon juice as you need without the seeds and pulp. Made from strong metal this heavy duty Lemon Squeezer will extract the juice ones the fruit is cut and placed cut side down in it to be squeezed. It is dishwasher safe and has a 1 year warranty.

Bosch Universal Plus Citrus Juicer Attachment
Fast and Easy lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juice! The clear container lets you view the amount of juice volume.

Here is our Easy to Make Lemonade Recipe
1 cup fresh lemon or lime juice
2/3 cup Agave
4-5 cups cold water
Mix the Agave and lemon juice in a pitcher. Add the water, ice and serve. Makes 6 servings. |