Fancy Baking with the Bosch Universal Plus -Pastry
We attended our annual business/training meeting this year at the end of August in Utah and notice a certain theme was running through many of the presentations. We need to let everyone know of the many other things our wonderful Bosch Universal Plus machines can do like some of the fancy baking such as pastries, cupcakes, fondants, and tarts. I know we are a Healthy Kitchen but sometimes it is nice to splurge and have a treat especially for holidays and special occassions. We will try to put somewhat of a heatlhy spin on these recipes but it is the techniques that were used that impressed us. These classes were given by Chefs who really knew what they were doing and how to make the results more tender and lighter and flakier so we will pass them on to you. Pastry: All the pastry doughs were made with either All-purpose flour or Cake and Pasty flour which is available at the local supermarkets. If you want to use a whole grain flour try the Soft Wheat, Barley or Triticale grains through your Nutrimills on the finest setting. Always sift the flours before using to add air and remove any larger particles. The ingredients for pastry like to be cold so you can refrigerate your flour before making the pastry. You will definitely have to do that if you are milling your own, as the flour is too warm when coming out of the mill to use for this dough. Most of the shortening in these recipes used was UNSALTED BUTTER. This makes a nicer easier to handle dough than just straight shortening. The butter or any shortening must be cut into small pieces before using as it will mix in better as well. All the liquids used should be ice cold. I like to use the Cookie/Batter Whisks in the Bosch Universal Plus to do my pastry but a good powerful Food Processor like the Omega will also do the trick. Remember pasty dough does not like to touched much so only jog or pulse the machines while mixing, just enough to coat the flour with the shortening or to have the dough collect together. Always refrigerate the dough at least 1 hour before rolling out into the pastry. It will also help to refrigerate the completely pie before baking also to give it a flakier, more tender crust. I have included both the basic pie crust and the sweeter sugar crust that is great for open fancy tarts. Pate Brisee (Basic Pie Crust) Pate Sucree (Sugar Crust) Puff Pastry: Many of us would not even tackle a puff pastry, but after seeing how easy it was to do and how great the results were, it seems a lot less daunting. This pastry is basically rolled several times as we fold it together. When finished, there is a myriad of recipes like, echo cakes (currants) or cream puffs, or horn, or even some Danish pastries that can be done with this dough. Try it out and see what you think!!
Basic Quick Puff Pastry |